
evolutionary biology中文是什么意思

  • 进化生物学
  • 生物进化学
  • 演化生物学



  • 例句与用法
  • Recent progress of sequences analysis methods in molecular evolutionary biology
  • The researchers published their work in the current issue of the journal of evolutionary biology
  • One of the unresolved ? and rather bitter ? disputes in evolutionary biology is between the creeps and the jerks
    在进化生物学上, “毛毛虫”和“跳蚤”之间的争论一直悬而未决,而且相当激烈。
  • Interests and avocations of the two men . data for marine species , computational and evolutionary biology and evolutionary computation
  • Theistic evolution holds that the acceptance of evolutionary biology is not fundamentally different from the acceptance of other sciences , such as astronomy or meteorology
  • The new emphasis on evolutionary biology and neurology has ( mistakenly ) reinforced the popular prejudice that emotions " happen " to us and are entirely beyond our control
    新的重点放在进化生物学和神经病了(错)钢筋流行偏见情绪, "发生"对我们来说是完全超出我们所能控制。
  • The three mile island nuclear disaster , the medieval origins of primogeniture and evolutionary biology are all enlisted to shed light on different aspects of financial risk
  • In 2003 the institute of ecology and evolutionary biology ( ieeb ) was established in response to a growing demand for knowledge in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
  • The similarity between bill gates , paul mccartney , and criminals ? in fact , among all men throughout evolutionary history ? points to an important concept in evolutionary biology : female choice
    比尔盖茨、保罗-麦卡特尼、犯罪者他们之间的相似之处- -事实上,在进化历史上所有男人的相似点- -就是在进化生物学上的一个重要概念:女性选择。
  • Those holding these more literal views tend to be the ones who dispute scientific theories the most , and take particular issue with the implication from evolutionary biology of common descent - - that humans are descended from " lesser creatures "
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
Evolutionary biology is a sub-field of biology concerned with the study of the evolutionary processes that have given rise to the diversity of life on Earth. Someone who studies evolutionary biology is known as an evolutionary biologist; evolutionary biologists study the descent of species and the origin of new species.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
evolutionary biology的中文翻译,evolutionary biology是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译evolutionary biology,evolutionary biology的中文意思,evolutionary biology的中文evolutionary biology in Chineseevolutionary biology的中文evolutionary biology怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
